The Timeless Art of Heckling

Watch, friends, and learn. And wonder, as I do, what’s in store for Vernon Wells when he returns to Toronto …

He’s good. Persistent, yet polite. He even asked Mora, “Do you prefer Melvin?” That’s how we roll up in Canada.

The props certainly help, too. A picture of Eva Longoria for Evan Longoria to sign? Our heckler, one Marc Richler, is certainly cultured. A harmonica? Only the terrorists hate music. And while not a prop, Mr. Richler’s got the voice. The “I know you hear me!” taunt, while not groundbreaking by any means, is a personal favourite; simple yet always effective. Extra points, as well, to Richler for getting those seated near him involved.

An excellent performance, all around. Nine NotGraphs out of 10.

Navin Vaswani is a replacement-level writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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13 years ago

And he wasn’t even intoxicated. Impressive.