It was a different time, you understand.

It was a different time, you understand. 1957, or ’58…

It was 1957. The Braves had just returned home to Milwaukee after besting the New York Yankees in the World Series. A crowd of 750,000 people — a number greater than the entire population of Milwaukee proper even at its peak in the early 1960s — met their hometown nine (and then some) in the streets to celebrate.

The Milwaukee Sentinel of the day, its front page bestamped with a large, red, racist image of a Native American…

…relished the fact that the team defeated was the Yankees, depicting them as, among other things, “bushed.”

Smoke signal’d!

It was a different time, you understand.

Lew Burdette, who pitched two shutouts in the Series, would be spanked publicly for his trouble.

A $20,000 spanking, indeed.

It was a different time.

What kind of cigarettes would be puffed in celebration — you might ask — during this different time? Discerning and festive gentlemen would be smoking king-sized, micronite-filtered Kent cigarettes, of course!

Accept nothing but the fullest, freest draw for your hard-earned dime!

And the same gentlemen would surely be fitted with a new softly tailored three-button coat from Clarke & Verdoni!

The ladies of the time — it was a different time, you understand: 1957 — were they not immodestly jiggling with joy in the streets…

Ready to cast a ballot!

…befrocked in spoils from THE GRAND…

Yes, how does she maintain that impossibly trapezoidal figure?!

…were kept company by the television.

What’s on the tube this Friday?

It was a different time in 1957, and the good workers were paving the way for a better 1958.

Nervous tensions everywhere were being squelched by that hero, Walgreen.

Schlitz was procuring kisses [of hops!] for baseball stars and fans alike!

And the future was upon them!

Unveil missing word in headline, please.

Lew Burdette to appear on the moon!

But in the end it was the Braves’ day! And it was a different time.

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11 years ago

Kent Cigarettes’ premium-quality filter contained asbestos in the 1950s. It was a different time, you understand.