I Am Going to Blog This Year
With few job prospects left in the world of professional baseball, it is no secret that Jose Canseco is desperate to find steady employment. Having somehow caught wind of the fact that NotGraphs writers are compensated handsomely for their efforts, late last night Canseco dropped us a line…well, several lines. They are posted below.
It’s not as if Canseco is wholly unqualified to blog (indeed, one of the great things about blogging is that anyone can do it), as he has “written” two books. In my opinion, it is an offer worth seriously considering.
Just saw the movie money ball.
Carson is probably as good looking as jonah hill
Carson cistulli call me would love to blog for you just give me a tryout that’s all I ask
Carson cistulli email me Jc7264@yahoo.com
Is a little tryout to much to ask for
I guess murderers and child molestors get more chances than I do
Well he is younger than Jamie Moyer