French Baseball: Rouen’s Tunnels de Frappe Nearly Done

Tunnels 2

“What do the people want?” the author has asked himself today. And: “When do they want it?” is another thing he’s wondered.

“French baseball news updates,” is the answer that’s presented itself. And: “Now,” appears to be the moment at which that sort of information would be most welcome.

It’s in fulfillment of the Public’s demands, then, that the present author relays this dispatch from France’s Division Élite. The Rouen Huskies, it appears — winners of France’s last eight baseball championships — have utilized the offseason towards the end of constructing a tunnels de frappe couverts.

A schematic of the tunnels is available above. A photo of same in its nearly finished state is featured below. The inevitable conclusions regarding this life — that it’s a shadow-world of disappointments — are present throughout the entirety of this whole post.

tunnels-pole 1

Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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The Return of Rambo Diaz
10 years ago

The disappointment with life that fills me was exactly what I wanted, interestingly.