A Triptych to Jeff Francoeur

The yearly cycle for a bad team should be familiar to most.

There’s the uplifting dawn that is spring with it’s bird-chirping optimism. There’s the disillusionment of summer, when, as if wilting in the strong noon-time sun, everything that can go wrong does go wrong. And then there’s the softly-falling sadness of the offseason, when even jaded fans pine for the good old days – because flawed baseball is still baseball.

And so it goes with Jeff Francoeur. He represents that same eternal ebb and flow. He is legion.

Perhaps this triptych of words, sounds and pictures combined will do the simile justice.

Francoeur aims to regain winning form with RoyalsBoston.com March 12, 2011

SURPRISE, Ariz.—Jeff Francoeur is smiling in the Kansas City Royals’ clubhouse. He is always flashing a smile.

Why not, Francoeur asks?

“I love baseball,” Francoeur said Friday.

Oh Frenchy from Brendan Bilko on Vimeo.

Young pop starlet Eno Sarris croons to the crowd at Will Davidian’s Blue & Orange Open Mic with his hit single “Oh Frenchy.” – May 21, 2010.

He’s whiffing yet another time
and walking away from the plate
after reaching once again and swinging very late
The tears are in my mind

For Carter we are pining, oh Frenchy
Well, you came and you hit the ball a mile
When we traded for you, oh Frenchy
Well now you suck and where is your smile
And we need it today, oh Frenchy!

We’ll Always Remember You, Jeff Francoeur – Auguest 31, 2010

You will always be in our hearts.

With a phone full of pictures of pitchers' fingers, strange beers, and his two toddler sons, Eno Sarris can be found at the ballpark or a brewery most days. Read him here, writing about the A's or Giants at The Athletic, or about beer at October. Follow him on Twitter @enosarris if you can handle the sandwiches and inanity.

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Dayn Perry
13 years ago

You just earned yourself some traditionalist street cred by not copping out and using Auto-Tune.