Today in Distinctly Mature B-Ref Player Name Searches

Yesterday in these electronic pages, Dayn Perry, that foe of the human race, submitted to the readership notable returns from decidedly juvenile Baseball-Reference player-name searches.

With a view towards accounting for the full width and breadth and maybe even depth of that same readership, the present author submits here a complement to Perry’s post from yesterday — namely, of results from B-Ref player-name searches featuring words and phrases most relevant to the experience of this nation’s seniors.

Tommy Glaucoma:

BR Tommy Glaucoma

Mahjong Thompson:

BR Mahjong Thompson

Boca Raton Gonzalez:

BR BR Gonzalez

403(b) Jones:

BR 403 B Jones

Cursed Immigrants Johnson:

BR Cursed Johnson

Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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10 years ago

I assume “Cursed Johnson” was a slang term for STDs in the WWII era.