Things Jon Heyman Does At 4:15 AM On A Friday Morning

I was on Twitter at 4:15 a.m. on said Friday morning, reading that Jon Heyman was doing his laundry. I favorited the tweet, and thought to myself: “I should post this on NotGraphs.”

I then asked myself what I was doing. We are the product of our decisions. I had laundry to do, too.

Navin Vaswani is a replacement-level writer. Follow him on Twitter.

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10 years ago

He could have been laundering money into casino winnings. A likely pursuit at 4:15am.

John Heyman is a G.

10 years ago
Reply to  Navin Vaswani

I disagree with your first point: I will not respect Jon Heyman.

The only BWAA member I respect is Barry Bloom, all the rest are thugs or infantalized adults (we all know which category Cistulli belongs to).

I suggest respecting yourself and you craft by following Barry Bloom’s work, while dropping all others.

Persuasion Unit #4
10 years ago

So you’re saying infantalized adults (Cistulli) are not to be respected? I disagree and posit that they are to be much revered. Won’t you think of the children? Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?

10 years ago

Actually, I would categorize Cistulli as a “thug”, fugitively speaking of course.

Editors wield much too much power in my opinion, and should be looked upon with a cautious distrust.