Received!: Diamond Dishes

Actually, I did not receive a tome called Diamond Dishes, but since this is The Day of the Ridiculous Person of April, I feel sanctioned in telling a humorous fib. Here’s the book:

So, “author” Julie Loria,” send me one of these, and I’ll stop talking (temporarily) about how your husband murdered Les Expos, about how his lust for the public teat knows no bounds, and about how he looks like a tanned and rested Uncle Fester. Fail to send me a copy of this cookbook, and I will continue doing these things without ceasing.

Also: Look at Joe Mauer baking and stuff!

I look forward to trying Prince Fielder’s lard wraps and Matt Stairs’s recipe for gorilla-meat tartare.

(Subtle head nod: With Leather)

Handsome Dayn Perry can be found making love to the reader at's Eye on Baseball. He is available for all your Twitter needs.

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13 years ago

Fielder is vegetarian, he can’t have lard wraps. They’d have to be vegetable shortening wraps. Or, he might keep palm oil in his deep-fryer. Never know what secrets you will pick up.