International Bat-Flip Coverage: Korea’s Byung-Hun Min

Min Flip

If there’s one thing for which NotGraphs is known, it’s producing content designed specifically to court hot internet clicks. If there’s a second thing for which it’s known, however — besides that first thing involving hot internet clicks — it’s appealing to readers with the big, broad outlook. “There’s an entire world out there,” the editor of this site has often pronounced at company meetings, gesturing with his arms to the nearest window, so as to emphasize the point. “What our readers demand is that we cover it.”

It’s in fulfillment of that editorial mandate, then, that the author presents the animated GIF embedded here (from a longer video) of Doosan outfielder Byung-Hun Min both homering and then, with what the French may or may not call le grand geste, releasing his bat.

Credit to Dan of My KBO for bringing this footage to the public’s attention.

Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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10 years ago

Will there be a Fangraphs meet in Paris once you move there? That’d be cool…

10 years ago

Oui do!

10 years ago

3 hours away… And no, Paris is just for tourists to visit, no actual people living there…