Edwin Encarnacion Status Update: Still a T-Rex

It was recently brought to the attention of the author that Blue Jays hitmaker Edwin Encarnacion might bear more than passing resemblance to a certain, presumably extinct, predatory theropod.

Upon brief inspection by the author himself of some extant video footage, said resemblance was rendered unavoidable — both for that same author and, it should be noted, for the entirety of the NotGraphs readership.

For the sort of reader who’s always looking for more on developing stories as they develop, I’ve embedded some video footage from this afternoon’s Tigers-Blue Jays game (box) — during which game the aforementioned Encarnacion hit a fourth-inning home run and during which he also, once again, affected the posture of what we can only presume are his earliest ancestors.


Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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12 years ago

“He extends a stiff right arm and holds it aloft during home run trots, like a frozen chicken wing. “I did it one time and my teammates liked it, so I continue to do it.””
