Charlie Blackmon in Front of Things

In 1997, noted critic Arthur C. Danto proclaimed the end of art.

In 2011, art is back… and it’s spectacular.


Charlie Blackmon in Front of Mattress Discounters Location

Charlie Blackmon in Front of High School Drama Production

Charlie Blackmon in Front of Angry, Red Bill Cosby

Charlie Blackmon in Front of Foreign Film

Charlie Blackmon in Front of Intense Binary Code Graphic

Carson Cistulli has published a book of aphorisms called Spirited Ejaculations of a New Enthusiast.

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12 years ago

I tried loading this page twice, and twice it crashed:

1. Behold the power of Blackmon – I’d expect not less.

2. Despite not loading twice, just like Blackmon, the page loaded the third time and avoided the strikeout.